Wednesday, 25 January 2012

What Lays Beneath the Success Of Facebook Application Development

Once you have created your application but now you would like to publicize it, so how will you do it, and what criteria you will meet to make your Facebook app a success.  Naturally so lay behind the popularity of the success of your application is its beauty, capability to attract users by their attractive designs and looks and all this is made possible by Facebook Apps Development Company.  Besides, versatility and dynamic nature can enhance the credibility of company.
The company use scripting language and social networking websites to add to your valuable asset.  Both the technical and market team provides adequate solutions at a very reasonable rates to increase to the business spree. These Facebook apps can easily be customized to meet needs of the company, no matter what your company or your product.  Budget is no doubt very crucial for meeting the needs so your Facebook application development company is sure to formulate your budget and then recommend adequate solutions.
In this process your app gets listed in Facebook app which can market your application to the million users on Facebook entailing your app that grant status and success.
In the whole process is also involved having your apps listed in Facebook application directory, marketing your app to the millions of users on Facebook and having your status easily traced.
Now is Facebook world and so are the technologically strong apps which you will in the near future see them soon listening, hearing, walking and talking too to Facebookers enthusiasm and delight.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Facebook Development - Classroom now in your Facebook

For the enthusiasm of the students and their delight, we have to beckon the call of the present worldly moves to give them their share of space in Facebook basically in their academic field. While we are solving and resolving all our problems and issues through Facebook, then why not we make students too feel pride of this movement by giving them their share of enjoyment as well as study through Facebook?  Why I am saying this because Facebook is becoming so popular that now and then we can see children playing games on it or just chatting with their friends. So why not then have these little Facebook buzzers do their class assignments, write their notes and even interact with each other for their studies.  This will be the most fruitful and productive move in Facebook apps Development for both the students as well as universities as it will open a new era in the educational stream and complete revolution in the way students are studying now.
Altogether a new set of pace can be set for teaching students as Facebook can become the most direct medium to come close to the students. It can become all the more interactive as students can share their problems or issues with their teachers without any hesitation. Though many can criticize it as students then can become more lazy and unwilling to study hard and instead of studying can just be seen playing games or chit chatting, yet when some adequate moves are made, they can be put under check like setting their private account, and making other gaming features disable while they are logged in for study.  Education is not just means of teaching but also making children responsible students. So our effort on Facebook apps development should be to make them responsible students of the society as well as the world.

Friday, 20 January 2012

HipHop an exciting buzz word in PHP Facebook Applications Development

In Facebook application development PHP is not a new word but a simple language, which is easy to write, learn, read and even debug. With several kinds of tools being introduced in PHP it has become incessantly changing computer language. Recently added into its family is also HipHop. It was created to make PHP applications more faster and easy in any FacebookApplication Development.
HipHop has proved to be very productive for developers as it has reduced the usage of CPU on servers by at least 50 per cent depending on number of web pages. This also makes overhead cost less as lesser CPU means less servers.  Facebook says it is a code transformer which could transform PHP code to C++ and then use g ++ to complete this transformation.  It also improves performance for source code transformation as HipHop sacrifices few rare seen features.  It also has code transformer, reapplication of PHP’s runtime system, and many rewritten extensions which are most popularly used on PHP.
Besides, what make HipHop best are the programming languages like Python, Pearl and Ruby. These languages are very easy for the programmers to code and can also be repeated on the PHP applications.  However it is also said that developing big applications with PHP is very difficult but there is a solution too for it, with an easy way is transforming the complex coding of PHP into simple C++ coding.
HipHop has proved to be a very interesting technology and as many attempts have been made to the same in different ways it has become very challenging and garnered a great success too.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Now Facebook Developers Can Both Eat the Cake and Pie too

Facebook gets countless of resumes and job applications every day, but For Facebook only one of them can really cut the cake box.  One of the French job seeker Bertrand Noirhomme tried to attract team of social networks by sending them cake to which he most fondly named Kings Galette.  And on it he placed his resume and a QR code which can be linked to his website inside the box.
When this happened, there was no word whether Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg would be so much attracted to his cake that they would give him a job. However this time would only tell, but one thing is clear whether you get the job in Facebook or not,  as a developer you can sure make your lives forever green. Facebook Development profession is very vast and so there is so much of scope for you that
The world of Facebook  is open for developers to make their days pasteurized with their technological avenues and scope in Facebook development  profession. They can have streams of work of creating Facebook Fan pages and Facebook applications for the businessman to use them for their promotional activities and increasing their business.  
As number of Facebook users are increasing and so does the increase of business potentialities and with that demand of Facebook developers. Each business man whether small or big needs to the services of Facebook developers to have their creatively and articulately designed Facebook Fan pages and Facebook applications.
So developers all there who are seeking to get job in Facebook, there is no need to send cake as you can eat both the cake and pie and that too outside Facebook.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Removing App Profile Pages: Facebook Announced

Now messages are being flashed that Facebook application profile pages will be removed, what we all should do next?
As page managers are looking at the banner picture on their profile pages that states “Removing App Profile Pages” notification, they get puzzled, what is the alternative solution for them. Naturally by having their apps more search friendly. And it is up to Facebook apps development companies too to create the apps easily approachable and making users to search the same through their Facebook search feature.
However while searching for certain specific terms, it often takes two to three result pages till the most used apps are appeared during the results. The hope that improvement of the search feature of particular app will be made or not, that time will only tell, but meanwhile we can sure hope for the best.
This move as said by Facebook in one of their Developers Blog is on the account of inconsistencies developed in its app profile and regular pages including difference in insights, interfaces and distribution channels. In case you are an admin of your Facebook page, you will be given permission to transfer ‘likes’ on this page. The transfer of ‘likes’ will ultimately increase your abilities to publish update from your Facebook page as you have been doing it currently.
Facebook further states that only ‘Likes’ will be transferred and not the content of the pages so if you are migrating then it is highly recommended that you download all the posts, photos, insights or any other materials whatsoever. The migration of likes can take upto seven days and it will also take almost seven hours before you can see any happening on your page. However in case you have vanity URL linked with your app profile page, Facebook ensures that Vanity URL will be transferred to the Facebook page.
So start migration your Facebook apps profile pages before being removed.
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